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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Update on "My Dream Farm" - Alpacas.....

After watching "My Dream Farm" last week featuring Kierti Vaidya with her alpacas, I sent her an email wishing her luck.  To see original blog post see here.

I was surprised on Sunday to receive a really lovely email back, which was nice of her considering the amount of people who must have contacted her via her website.

I'm still trying to persuade Neil that I really do want a couple of alpacas of my own.... just think of all that lovely fleece I could spin if I had my own animals.....


Delighted Hands said...

It would be nice, wouldn't it!? They are very expensive animals here in the States-are they for you, too?

ladyb1 said...

Hi Cindy, yes, they are really expensive here too, especially females. Need to start saving up!

Cat said...

I'm working on goats myself, but he's not budging!