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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Chickens in the snow

Yet again its snowing - its only now starting to settle, but this year we have had more snow than for years.  Most parts of the Country get much more than us, so we are lucky.
Now it would of course be sensible for the chickens to go inside their house when it snows....
but they are not sensible chickens... and don't seem to mind even when they get a layer of snow on them...

Mind you, they do all huddle up by the back door where there is a slight overhang above - or could that be because they know I often throw titbits out through the catflap!

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