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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Friday, 6 March 2009

Suns out so washed a fleece...

Finally we have a nice sunny day. I have been waiting for ages for a nice day so that I could wash a Shetland fleece I bought recently. I've washed bits of fleece before, but decided to tackle it all at once in the bath. Never seen so much yucky colour come out of a fleece, and boy was it heavy when wet....

Its now outside drying (hopefully the sun will stay out long enough). The wire we put to protect the flowerbed from the chickens comes in handy as a drying rack.

It was meant to be a "white fleece", looks more grey to me.. but I am sure it will spin up nicely as it has nice long locks.

On the needles at the moment I still have the scarf for my mum, its not going very fast as I keep getting distracted into knitting dishcloths.....

Of course the pattern is for a cowl but Mum asked for a scarf instead. Its coming out really soft and will be lovely next to
the skin.

I've just finished spinning some alpaca/wool blend and I'm pleased with it.

I just couldnt get the pure alpaca to card properly but once blended its fine. The blended single was then plyed with a white single and I love the effect.

1 comment:

Janey said...

Just surfing through - procrastinating by looking at a variety of knitting blogs.

Your mother's scarf is beautiful! (Even if the pattern was written to be a cowl.)
Where did you get the pattern?

(Change bracketed caps to symbols.)