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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Friday, 27 February 2009

Friday ramblings...

For the past couple of weeks any visitors to my kitchen must have wondered why there was a bag which used to hold frozen chips sitting in the corner of my kitchen - its obvious really, I'm saving onions skins...!

I'm busy spinning a batch of yarn up and then I'm ready to dye it with the skins. See told you it was obvious!

The yarn I have already spun has come out well considering it was the worst fleece I have ever worked with.

I don't know if Oxford Down are always usually so horrible to card, but this fleece certainly was. I have given up on the rest of it, and will use it to line my hanging baskets in the Spring.

I have to admit I am wondering just how bad the smell of boiling onion skins will be - think I had better chose a mild day and have the kitchen door and window open.... the neighbours will love me!

1 comment:

Windyridge said...

Onion skins can give the most lovely shade of orange.