Thing is, the weather has turned milder so we took it off again until the weather turns back colder.

You should have seen the chicken walking around in her jacket, its too long and needs adjustment. We knitted the size given in the instructions, but my chickens are still very undersized and underweight, so the jackets need to be shortened for the time being...
And finally, poor Mitsy the kitten was six months old last Friday - so we booked her in the vets to be speyed. She is now sporting a lovely "buster collar" to keep her away from he

I think the vet was a bit keen with the razor, she is almost bald on her sid

They said to keep her as still as possible for a few days, no jumping around. How did they suppose we could do that?? Short of actually tying her to a chair, it is not going to happen, as you can see from the photo below.

Typical cat, does as she wants all the time.
hahaha - perhaps you need to knit a jacket for the cat as well?
Thank you for the chicken jacket picture. Perhaps part of the aid provided from the jacket (aside from the warmth) is pride of ownership?
Once the feeling of strangeness goes away - of something resting on the wings - then I would imagine that there is a lot of strutting around. To proudly show off the new feather covering apparel.
We had a dog once which skulked behind things after its legs were clipped bare - which would be similar to a chicken losing its feathers. So if shame is possible, then pride is as well.
Or, it could be that colour coordination is needed. Possibly the chicken, a red-feathered being, is not used to wearing green.
Happy knitting to you and your Mom,
from Janey, who is still chuckling.
janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca
The chickens look chic! Good work. I have a little black kitten that will soon be spayed, too-I am sure she will not be kept quiet either!
I love the chicken jackets. I always tease my husband when our chickens are molting (I have 30) that I am going to knit them jackets. I never dreamed there really was such a thing. So cute! I'm from the spinning group in so calif.
Those jackets are adorable! I blogged about them.
LOL about your cat! I SOOOO can identify with what you said about keeping her still. Last Thursday, we had 2 of our dogs spayed: one is an 8 month old & we're having to keep her either on a leash by our side or in her crate until her incision heals... she's not a happy camper, but I'll make up for it by taking her for a somewhat longer walk later... that beats letting her run around with our younger puppies & "spin"... (I have said that I ought to tie a leader yarn around her waist and make yarn while she spins, but it's a 1 or 2 time thing & then she's off running!
We had another (male) cat several years ago who had been neutered & when I got him home, he immediately jumped onto the counter & was acting fine. I double checked with the vet about it & they said that as long as he truly was fine, it was fine to let him do stuff...
Just check your girl-cat's incision & WORST case, you can put her in her cat carrier if necessary. I hope that isn't necessary, though!
Very cool about the chicken jackets...
Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. Chickens are out in the garden (no jackets, its mild today) and the kitten is still causing havoc....
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