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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter..... Chicks

The eldest chicks are now 6 weeks old and yesterday they had their first taste of "outside".  We are having unseasonably warm weather, low 70's, and in their covered outdoor run they loved it.

We are waiting for Thursday when the next batch of chicks is due to hatch, all bantams.  I can't wait!

Our lemon millefleur sablepoots are settling in well, and now we have moved the Light Sussex Bantam family in - what an impressive sight they are.  The cockerel is very protective to his ladies and if we give them any treats he makes sure that everyone gets some by calling them over and not eating anything himself till they have all had some.  They are laying well too, not necessarily in the nest boxes - any dip in the ground under the trees is fine as far as they are concerned which involves a daily egg hunt.

My little Pekin bantam I helped hatch is growing well and is as friendly as ever.

I've been pricking out tomatoes and other seedling non-stop.  I've decided to put one of my vegetable beds over to flowers this year for both cut flowers and for collecting my own seed.  At least it should be colourful.

Courgettes and pumpkins are going in today, having bagged up about 15 sacks of mixed ostrich, reindeer and alpaca "manure" at the weekend - hopefully they will grow to record size!

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

They are beauties one and all!
Happy Easter!