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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Friday, 22 January 2010

My Dream Farm

Last night I watched "My Dream Farm" on television and everything about it appealed to me.

They had left their City life behind and moved to a small farm.  They had some sheep, pigs to fatten up, and were looking for ways to make more income from their farm.

I was spinning during the program, and it was interesting to see how their fleeces were processed by the large mill - its just the same as me washing, drying, carding and then spinning at home, just on a much larger scale!!!  It was facinating, can't wait for next weeks program.   

In the meantime I will just have to dream - I would so love the space to have a few sheep, or preferably Alpacas...  
I can dream.


Delighted Hands said...

It would be lovely but it is a LOT of work. It doesn't matter if you feel like getting out there and caring for the animals....don't mean to rain on your parade; I'm just saying! Glad you enjoyed the show-I don't think I have that show here---yet.

LDSVenus said...

What channel was that on? Bet you have dish and lots more channels than my cable offers :P.