Vegetables and herbs that have been keeping me busy these past few weeks. Neil even had to make me a cold frame for the garden as I ran out of windowsill space to grow things....

Chickens of course will eat anything they can get their beaks near... so our back garden growing area is fenced off to keep them away.
Space is short which is why my courgette plant is nestling in with the bluebells. My sweetpeas and coriander are doing wel

Tomatoes, oregano, mint, french beans and sunflowers are growing well in the cold frame, with lettuce, peppers, chillies and onions growing indoors.

All I need now is somewhere to plant them out - and some good weather. Hopefully soon we will get the keys for the rundown house we are buying - the house will take years to restore, but it does have a lovely big garden and room for a greenhouse!
Isn't it satisfying to grow our own veggies?! Good thing you put up the fence-young shoots are prime targets for the hens!
Good on you! I need to get the gardening bug back to sow my winder garden!!!
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