Finally, at last, my rescued ex-battery hens have started laying eggs..... well two of the three have (the other one is still busy growing feathers).
Yesterday I went to let them out and found two huge eggs laying in the nestbox - I wanted to run about and show everybody!!!! I was so pleased.
Coco and Ringo also laid but their eggs look tiny compared to the huge eggs from the new ladies. I ate the largest egg for tea, thought it might be a double yolker, but no, just one large yolk.
Today there were another two eggs in their nestbox, but the older ladies hadn't yet laid (nobody told them that traditionally chickens lay early in the day - mine do their own thing....). I have to keep the chickens separate at night as the old ones tend to be bullies, so its easy to tell who had laid.
Congratulations! You will never be able to go back to store bought after you have eaten the home grown kind!
The first eggs are always so exciting aren't they!!!
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