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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Friday, 7 November 2008

Jacob's fleece to finished knitting....

After a week of spinning and knitting my first "spun yarn", my mitten is finally finished. I say mitten as that is all I will be knitting....

I knitted a ladies size, but it came out sooo big, that it drowns my partner Neil's huge hand.

I love the way the different colours of the Jacobs fleece have come through, but a lot is down to blending dark and light fleece when I hand carded it.

I'm about to start a smaller size on smaller needles which hopefully will work out a better size.


Kat said...

Wow, your mitten looks great! I think keeping it as a single mitten is a great idea. Could you hang it on the wall and use it to hold something? Knitting needles maybe?

LDSVenus said...

I think your mitten looks great too. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to knit with yarn you spun up? :)

Windyridge said...

Absolutely lovely! Nice job!

Your sizes should work out better if you check gauge. It's not as precise with hand spun but of course depending on how consistent your spinning is it's a place to start as far as sizing goes.