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Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Disaster at the wedding

Not been to a wedding for many years (think mine was the last, and as I've been divorced for 8 years, that is a while........). We went to Paul and Louise's wedding at the weekend, lovely church service.

We arrived at the reception and unfortunately, nothing I could eat on the buffet as I need a totally dairy free diet, and then disaster....... had a whole glass of pink champagne knocked into my lap during the speeches... I made a really dignified exit, dripping... and then home.

Really cant remember the last time I was so embarrassed, just wanted the floor to open up. Good news is that the stain came out completely of the brand new white blouse. Mental note for next time I attend a wedding, don't sit opposite a fidgety, bored 8 year old.....

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