My photo
Norwich, United Kingdom
I'm Susan and I live in a small village north of Norwich, UK. My main hobbies are reading, gardening, spinning and knitting, though not necessarily in that order....

Friday, 2 January 2009

My new baby (Ashford Traveller) and lots of cute Alpacas

I have not had a chance to get onto my blog for a while (too many of us fighting to use the computer), but finally a photo of me and my new baby, my lovely Ashford Traveller spinning wheel which my fiance Neil got me for Christmas.

Photo quality is not too good, and the lounge looks a mess, but I was too busy spinning to worry!

I can't believe just how quickly I have got the hang of it.

I was looking through my photos on the computer and found some photos taken last summer during a visit to a Camel Centre nearby.

I had fallen in love with Alpacas, especially the baby ones, even before I discovered spinning.

Think I was having a bad hair day!

I love days out where you can feed the animals, I'm a big kid at heart!

Don't they look cute, but not sure what they are looking at!

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