Its been a hectic couple of weeks at the new house.

Yesterday we had sand and plaster delivered so the builder can start plastering the walls soon (hopefully). Now that the weather is getting warmer (??? is it???, ok so not much warmer yet), we can soon paint the outside of the house. The smiley face was originally going to be painted over in the autumn, but the weather changed and it was too cold. I will quite miss him when he has gone.
The blossom in the orchard has been beautiful. The cherries have finished now, but the apples and pears are in full bloom, I had never realised they would look so lovely.

My vegetable garden is doing really well. I have cabbages, sprouts, Pak choi, garlic, onions and parsnips in one lot of beds, peas and beans with marrows in another, pototoes, sweetcorn, courgettes and pumpkins.
We had "rabbit proofed" the vegetable part of the garden with a sturdy wire fence with gates which had worked - but then the baby bunnies arrived. They just love my peas and beans (which are now covered in a thick black mesh) and I have also planted some "Scardy Cat" plants, Coleus Caninus, which are supposed to deter rabbits too. They stink, hopefully they will work. There is also another layer of wire on the bottom of the fence - its a bit like Fort Knox now, so get through there if you can!
My greenhouse is still full, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, chillies lettuce are all ready to be planted out later on.
I am trying the "hanging basket" tomatoes this year so as to save space in the greenhouse for the normal upright ones. My first two packets of tomato seeds didn't germinate so I planted two more. I reused some of the compost for other things. Now of course all of the new tomatoes have germinated, plus I have tomatoes popping up with everything else - that will teach me to reuse compost!
More to follow......
1 comment:
You ARE making progress! Love the greenhouse-funny about the compost! We used to raise rabbits and their abilities to 'get into things' is amazing! Hopefully your fort will hold up!
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